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Gear Profile Shift

Gear Profile Shift

What does Gear profile shift refer to?

Gears can meet the following two requirements through profile shift design:
1. Improve gear strength:
The fewer gear teeth, the thinner root thickness and with the lower gear strength.
Taking a spur gear with 0 shifting coefficient as an example, if the number of teeth is less than 17 teeth, the root of the tooth will be undercut ..
The positive shifting coefficient design can increase the root thickness and improve the gear strength.

2. Change the center distance:
If the sum of the profile shift of the active and passive gear sets is positive, the center distance can be increased.
Negative values should reduce the center distance.
It is often used to adjust the helical gear set center distance, Because the center distance of the gear set with 0 profile shift is non-integer, the center distance can be adjusted to be an integer through profile shift.
Besides, although the positive profile shift design could increase strength, the tooth tip will become sharper if it exceeds a certain value; If the negative profile shift exceeds a certain value, the tooth root will undercut.

Introduction of What does Gear profile shift refer to? | Taiwan-Based High Precision Ground Gears & Gear Increaser/Reducer For 40 Years | Shiuh Cheng Precision Gear Co., Ltd.

Located in Taiwan since 1994, Shiuh Cheng Precision Gear Co., Ltd. is a precision gear manufacturer. Main products, including level JIS O and German DIN4 level of precision ground gears and gear increasers/reducers.

With more than 40 years design and manufacturing gear increaser and reducer experience, SC GEAR is specialized in customizing precision gears and provide customized gearbox, overhaul, and reverse engineering services.

SC GEAR has been offering customers high-quality gears and gearboxes since 1994, both with advanced technology and 40 years of experience, SC GEAR ensures each customer's demands are met.